19 septiembre 2006

Another day inside my world...

Greetings known and unknown people!

Did you know I like the cold?Well, yes. I like cold weather and cold things over hot ones cause the feeling they provoque is such much better than any other.

I believe it is easier to manage cold than manage hot. If you are cold you just put a bunch of clothes on (preferably winter clothing), turn on the heater, burn some wood in the chymenee, etc.

This is really a stupidity... but I really like cold! I like cold soo much that I would have someone frost me after I finally pass away and then broke my body in little frozen pieces (yes, we would like that very much, precious).

Anyway, think about that. What would you preffer? COOoooLLLlllDdDd or hot?
Hot sucks!



18 septiembre 2006

The Return of the King

Yes, I am back... although I am no king (I just liked the title).

My weekend was OK, not too much emotions... and I am finally getting tired of blood (it was about time).

I watched a couple of spanish movies from a director called "Amenavar". They were kind a cool... I would recomend "open your eyes", it is actually the original version of "Vanilla Sky".

Went to ride my bike again (I lost some conditions), but I didn't do anything extreme.

I am planning to spent a weekend in the highlands (yes, Scotland)... but I am not sure it will be possible soon, cause I have a lot of work.

Don't have anything else to say... I am a boring vampire.

See ya soon,


14 septiembre 2006


Just a week ago I was ridding my bike in some dessert place. It was a cool place because it had so many roads, crossroads, jumps, trees, etc... that I was really enjoying the ride.
Unfortunately I didn't know the roads cause I never rode the place before... so after a few minutes of ridding, it happened.
I jumped over a small cliff and when I landed, I landed on rocks. I was going to fast and I couldn't control the bike, so it was either beat the hell out of myselft crashing in the floor... or getting stamped in the big rocks. The floor!

Well, as you can imagine I crashed... but I crashed so badly that I lost my shoes and got all wounded. My hands looked like a piece of raw bloody meat, my back was all scrached up and my knees were cutted to the bone.
It had been a long time since I had an accident but apparently this things come back once in a while. I got hurt but was allowed to unlive a litter longer.

Now I am getting better and feel good enough to give it another try this weekend.
I'll let you know what turns out of it.

I'll post some pictures of my healing wounds after the treatment.

Rock on!!!


12 septiembre 2006


Just a few weeks ago I went to a Leave's Eyes concert... which I really enjoyed.
I got to say it wasn't the best concert I've been, but it was cool.

The band got some problems with the sound, because the sound technician sucked!... but they did great even with the problems.

At the end of the concer I got the opportunity to talk briefly with Liv Christine, but for some stupid reason I did took any picture with her (how sad).

Anyway... I am planing to see Lacuna Coil soon, so I let you know what turns out of it.


Lost and found...

Hello mates!!

I know I've been lost for a long time and I know as well you don't give a tiny rats ass, but I DO!!
So, anyway... I am back.

I've done not too much since my last posts, but I'll let you know the interesting stuff post by post.

Lately, I've been wondering in the GOOGLE surrounds by using and testing some products. I have to say that I've always liked GOOGLE and I like it even more now!
Just yesterday I decided to create my very own page... and I did it!!! Although it is still not finished, it can be explored.
I will continue to work in the page the following days, so I can entretain myself and entratain you.... if you will.

You can visit my website at: http://evan.stz.googlepages.com/home

That's it by now... I am now working and must leave.

Take care...
