20 noviembre 2006

Write a book

Hello again...

Lately I've been dealing with a creativity hole. I am not able to figure out what I would like to write about.... well, let me start the right way.

Usually I write poems and songs (lyrics), but lately I don't have the same inspiration... as a matter of fact I don't have any inspiration whatsoever. Anyway, I thought it would be a nice idea to do something related but different... so I decided to write a book. I know I should start from the bottom and probably the best way would be to write some short stories. Unfortunately, I don't have any idea of what I would like to write about or how I could do it.

It's kinda frustrating, cause I know I can do it and I know that if I really get into it, I'd probably do it good enough to kick Harry Potter's books ass.

By know I will read a few guides (even though I don't like guides)... like this one I found on wikihow .

Once I have something ready, I will add it to my page so if you are interested... you read it.

Well, there is nothing else to say...

Have a good one.


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