12 septiembre 2006

Lost and found...

Hello mates!!

I know I've been lost for a long time and I know as well you don't give a tiny rats ass, but I DO!!
So, anyway... I am back.

I've done not too much since my last posts, but I'll let you know the interesting stuff post by post.

Lately, I've been wondering in the GOOGLE surrounds by using and testing some products. I have to say that I've always liked GOOGLE and I like it even more now!
Just yesterday I decided to create my very own page... and I did it!!! Although it is still not finished, it can be explored.
I will continue to work in the page the following days, so I can entretain myself and entratain you.... if you will.

You can visit my website at: http://evan.stz.googlepages.com/home

That's it by now... I am now working and must leave.

Take care...


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