The cool thing about yesterday, was that I visted a few "PARANORMAL" pages on the net and I could see some very interesting places I would like to visit in a short future.
For example:
There is a "Celtic Temple" in a palce called Whitby, in England... which seems a great place to visit on vacations (I like this kind of things).
The other place I saw in which I am very, VERY interested... is the HIGHGATE CEMETERY (I did not know there were such cool places in England).
If you ever go to England or would like to go and visit such places... take a look on this "Ghost Tour"... ... you may want to join it, but if you don´t... go by yourself...
who know´s? You might found your SOULmate! ;)
There are other tours related with the ghost tour, like the "Dracula Tour" in Romania and Transilvania, and others not so intersting.
Anyway... PARANORMAL... yes, cool term and cooler idea (the one that comes to my mind)... why not becoming a "PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR"???
I would enjoy it, but... would I have enough money to eat? If anyone knows somebody who it´s in the bizz... please post a commet. I would very much like to get some info.
Well, talk to ya in another time...
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