18 diciembre 2008
Pequeña Tierra Media
El otro día leyendo noticias en TheOneRing.net me encontré con una información muy interesante. Por lo visto hay un proyecto que están llevando a cabo una agrupación de municipios de la sierra norte de Madrid.
El proyecto pretende la dinamización rural comarcal utilizando un nuevo concepto de turismo denominado: Turismo Ecotemático. Este consiste básicamente en utilizar distintos sitios de la sierra madrileña (pueblos, parajes, ríos, montañas, etc), para recrear lugares pertenecientes al fantástico mundo de la Tierra Media, creada por el celebre escritor JRR Tolkien; dichos sitios fueron recreados ya anteriormente en las películas del Señor de los Anillos (dirigidas por Peter Jackson), en Nueva Zelanda. Sin embargo la diferencia radica que en este caso se intentará hacer coincidir el mapa de la sierra de Madrid con el de la Tierra Media.
La idea es representar sitios como:
Hobbiton en El Berrueco,
Bree en Buitrago,
Rivendel en La Hiruela,
Moria en Puebla de la Sierra,
Rio anduin en El Atazar,
Rohan en Patones,
Gondor en Torremocha.
La Sierra Norte se caracteriza por poseer un entorno natural de gran belleza y riqueza y donde la herencia del pasado se conjuga a la perfección con los nuevos tiempos. La comarca Sierra Norte de Madrid está formada por un total de 42 municipios, distribuidos a su vez en seis subcomarcas de gran interés turístico: Valle Alto del Lozoya, Valle Medio del Lozoya, Sierra del Rincón, Valle Bajo del Lozoya, Sierra de La Cabrera y Valle del Jarama.
Este proyecto pretende, entre las muchas cosas, ubicar en España la sede del Centro de estudios y depósito de la obra de Tolkien y de la Universidad Virtual de Gondor a los que están desde hace años buscando ubicación.
En la actualidad, la obra El Señor de los Anillos ha atraído a miles de turistas a Nueva Zelanda a ver como eran los paisajes en los que se rodó la película, aún no habiendo casi nada y no ofreciendo casi nada más que los paisajes. Lo que ha contribuido a reactivar la economía de lugares que no eran visitados normalmente y se han apuntado a un negocio floreciente.
Además esta nueva modalidad de turismo ya está siendo explotada en otros países como Escocia (Loch Ness), Inglaterra (El fantasma de Canterbury), Castilla La Mancha - España (Rutas de D. Quijote), Verona - Italia (Romeo y Julieta), Finlandia (Papa Noel), entre otros sitios.
A mi en lo personal me parece una idea magnífica pues aunque no sería una recreación exacta de lo visto en las películas, si sería una manera de hacer turismo con una visión renovada y con ese toque fantástico que El Señor de los Anillos nos puede brindar, además de que ayudaría a proteger la región y a ayudar a que se florezca la economía de estos pueblos.
El sitio web del proyecto:
*Nota: creo que una vez tengan todo listo para iniciar el proyecto deberían mejorar el formato y la información de la página web.
16 diciembre 2008
Fallo de seguridad del I-Explorer
Todos los usuarios de Internet Explorer de Microsoft, corren el riesgo de tener su ordenador secuestrado por un gave fallo de la seguridad del mismo.
Expertos de seguridad urgen a la gente a cambiarse a navegadores rivales como Firefox, Opera o Safari, por lo menos hasta que el fallo haya sido solucionado.
El problema fue encontrado la semana pasada y permite a criminales tomar el control sobre ordenadores y robar contraseñas.
Microsoft ha dicho que hasta ahora solo se ha percatado de ataques contra la version 7 de IE (el navegador más utilizado mundialmente), pero ha advertido que otras versiones son "potencialmente vulnerables".
Como véis hay otra razón para cambiarse a otros navegadores que en general son mejores que el Internet Explorer e ir dejando la Microsoft dependencia.
Navegadores web recomendados:
Google Chrome
15 diciembre 2008
Funcionalidad escondida del Facebook
Hoy me he encontrado con algo interesante en el facebook. Se trata de una sección que se encuentra en nuestro muro, en la cual podemos importar noticias e información referente a nuestra actividad en otros sitios web que utilicemos. Por ejemplo, yo he agregado uno de mis blogs (este precisamente), mi página de Youtube y mis albums de fotos de Picasa.
De momento solo estoy probando pero espero que sea lo que llevo tanto tiempo buscando; una herramienta que me permita canalizar mi actividad al facebook.
18 noviembre 2008
El Big Bang
Leo en www.astronomybuff.com un artículo interesante en el que explican que el "Big Bang" no fue una explosión "en el" espacio, sino "de" espacio. Básicamente explican que el tiempo y espacio están juntos y que todo se creó a partir del Big Ban (no había nada antes).
Para entederlo te dicen que borres de tú memoria cualquier idea de explosión y te explican de un modo sencillo, en 5 pasos, como ocurrió.1. Cuando el big bang ocurrió, se creó el tiempo y el espacio. A partir de ese momento de puede hablar de "cuando y donde".... el artículo continua y explica en más detalle.
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¿Cuál es vuestra opinión?
PETA publica el videojuego ‘Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals’ (Madre cocinera: mamá mata animales)
PETA ha publicado un videojuego descargable que es una parodia la serie de juegos "Cooking Mama", usualmente disponibles para consolas Nintendo. El juego incluye actividades como quitar plumas y remover los órganos internos de un pavo muerto.
Joel Barlett de PETA dice: "Nos estamos divirtiendo un poco a costa de la protagonista del videojuego (Mama), pero no hay nada gracioso en el sufrimiento que tienen que soportar los pavos y otros animales que son matados para hacer comida".
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Desde mi punto de vista personal, está bien conscienzar a las personas de el sufrimiento en el que viven día a día muchos animales que se crían en granjas de producción masiva donde se abusa de ellos de maneras realmente atroces. Sin embargo creo que los humanos también somos animales y en nuestro caso "omnivoros", por lo cual no considero que la solución sea que todos nos volvamos vegetarianos (después de todo las plantas también son seres vivos).
Hay que tener un balance con los alimentos que consumimos (de hecho nada en exceso es bueno), y luchar contra el abuso a los animales por parte de las productoras de alimentos para que estos seres vivos (como nosotros), también tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de la vida su manera.
24 octubre 2008
Emoticons para GMAIL y más para GTALK
Los usuarios de correo de Google (GMAIL) y de la mensajería instantanea (GTALK), tenemos novedades en estos dos servicios.
En el caso de Gmail tenemos un botón nuevo que nos permite añadir emoticons (iconos con emociones), para poder ser más expresivos en nuestros correos.
En el caso de Google Talk se agregan unos cuantos más a los ya existentes.
En el caso de Gmail tenemos un botón nuevo que nos permite añadir emoticons (iconos con emociones), para poder ser más expresivos en nuestros correos.
En el caso de Google Talk se agregan unos cuantos más a los ya existentes.
23 octubre 2008
Auto-respuesta de GMail (plantillas de respuesta)
Ahora es posible salvar una respuesta a un mensaje como una "canned response" (respuesta grabada), y seleccionar rápidamente alguna de estas cuando vayas a responder otro correo en el futuro.
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17 octubre 2008
De Jíbaros y cabezas reducidas
Dando tumbos por internet hoy viernes que por suerte todo está más tranquilo en el trabajo, me he puesto a investigar acerca de los Jíbaros, ya que una amiga me hizo un comentario respecto a ellos y la verdad es que no tenía idea de lo que me contaba.
Según wikipedia "Jíbaro" es un pueblo amerindio que habita en Sud América, concretamente en la cuenca amazónica al norte del río Marañón, en el Perú. Forma comunidades tribales cuya economía se basa en la agricultura, la caza y la pesca.
* En Ecuador: Jivaros o Xivaros, -como sinónimo de salvajes- es el apelativo dado a la tribu de los Shuar por parte de los conquistadores españoles durante la invasión de 1549; horrorizados porque después de matar a sus enemigos los Shuar practicaban el ritual del tzantza o reducción de cabezas, que consistente en cortar y reducir la cabeza, por un procedimiento que guardan secretamente, sirviéndoles de talismán o trofeo.
Si os interesa haceros con uno de estos amuletos :) , aquí os dejo el procedimiento:
1. Lo primero es, obviamente, cortar la cabeza al enemigo.
2. Con un cuchillo se hace un corte desde la nuca al cuello, se tira de la piel y se desprende del cráneo. Se desecha el cerebro, ojos y demás partes blandas, además de todos los huesos.
3. Se mete en agua hirviendo a la que se añade jugo de liana y otras hojas, lo que evita que se caiga el pelo. Se mantiene durante unos quince minutos aproximadamente; más tiempo la ablanda demasiado y es difícil impedir que no se pudra.
4. Se saca del agua (con un tamaño aproximado de la mitad del original) y se pone a secar.
5. Se raspa la piel por dentro para quitar restos de carne y evitar el mal olor y la putrefacción y se frota por dentro y por fuera con aceite de carapa.
6. Después se cose el corte de la nuca, los ojos y la boca, de manera que queda como una bolsa, en la que se echa una piedra del tamaño de un puño o el volumen equivalente en arena caliente.
7. Se cuelga sobre el fuego para desecarla poco a poco con el humo a la vez que se le va dando forma al cuero con una piedra caliente. En este proceso la cabeza acaba de reducirse.
8. Una vez seca la cabeza se vacia la arena y se tiñe la piel de negro.
9. Luego se introduce un cordón de algodón por un agujero practicado en la parte superior de la misma y se asegura en la abertura del cuello con un nudo o un palito atravesado.
Me pregunto si algún día me encontraré una de regalo en una caja de cereal. >:)
06 octubre 2008
Celdas solares economicas y sencillas como una pizza
Un cientifico australiano ha desarrollado un metodo nuevo de creación de paneles solares utilizando nada más que quita esmalte para uñas, un horno para pizzas y una impresora de inyección (inkjet).La técnica llamada "iJET" es tan sencilla y economica para realizar que podría revolucionar el acceso a la enrgía solar en los paises en vías de desarrollo.
Articulo completo en inglés...
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Articulo completo en inglés...
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21 agosto 2008
Posible fraude del gobierno chino con gimnasta
Este es un artículo que me encontre en digg, donde utilizando buscadores como Google o Baidu, han logrado encontrar unos documentos de una página web de deportes del gobierno chino, en la que se puede apreciar que a una gimnasta china le han cambiado la edad para que pudiera competir (He Kexin). La gimnasta tiene presuntamente 14 años cuando la edad mínima para competir es 16, la cual sí aparece en su pasaporte.
Me imagino que no tardarán en hacerse eco los medios de comunicación, aunque al parecer ya estuvieron investigando los del New York Times.
Aquí os dejo con un pedazo del artículo original:
There's been some widely publicized controversy regarding the competition age of the Chinese women's gymnastics team recently. I have an Internet connection, that means I should be able to verify the age of the gymnasts in question with primary state-issued documents and find out for myself if someone's cheating, right? Right. Let's go to work.
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El artículo en inglés aquí: http://strydehax.blogspot.com
Me imagino que no tardarán en hacerse eco los medios de comunicación, aunque al parecer ya estuvieron investigando los del New York Times.
Aquí os dejo con un pedazo del artículo original:
There's been some widely publicized controversy regarding the competition age of the Chinese women's gymnastics team recently. I have an Internet connection, that means I should be able to verify the age of the gymnasts in question with primary state-issued documents and find out for myself if someone's cheating, right? Right. Let's go to work.
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El artículo en inglés aquí: http://strydehax.blogspot.com
13 agosto 2008
Cambio en mi blog
He decidido dejar de escribir en inglés y empezar a escribir mis vivencias en español. La idea de empezar a relatar mis aventuras en la vida, los viajes, las fiestas... vamos, lo mismo que antes pero en Español y con el añadido de linkarlo directamente a mis redes sociales (facebook, myspace).
A ver si todo resulta como espero y le doy un poco más de vida a mi blog.
Un saludo!
A ver si todo resulta como espero y le doy un poco más de vida a mi blog.
Un saludo!
11 agosto 2008
Is Linux Finally Ready For The Desktop Takeover?
Everyone with even a minor experience in computers knows what Linux is. It is a remarkably complete operating system and is one of the most prominent examples of free software and open source development.By attacking from the bottom, where Microsoft can no longer successfully compete, Linux will finally cut itself a large slice of the desktop.
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03 julio 2008
VLC - More than playing videos
Check out this article about VLC and it's other capabilities. Article by Adam Pash (senior editor for Lifehacker).
Cross-platform media player VLC is often referred to as the "Swiss Army knife of media applications" for good reason: Not only does VLC play nearly any file you throw at it, but it can do so much more. From ripping DVDs to converting files to iPod-friendly formats, let's take a look at the four coolest things you can do with it...
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Cross-platform media player VLC is often referred to as the "Swiss Army knife of media applications" for good reason: Not only does VLC play nearly any file you throw at it, but it can do so much more. From ripping DVDs to converting files to iPod-friendly formats, let's take a look at the four coolest things you can do with it...
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Gaming Linux live DVD
This is an interesting article I found on Digg today. It was written by Jeremy LaCroix on July 01, 2008. You'll find the original article (complete) here: http://www.linux.com/feature/139589
LinuX-Gamers Live is a live DVD from Germany based on Arch Linux that includes nothing but games. Version 0.9.3 was released in June and provides an excellent means of sampling Linux games or setting up a home arcade, although a few of the games wouldn't run on my machine.
There are no productivity tools, Web browsers, or package managers here; this disc is all play and no work. Because it's a live DVD, no hard drive is required to run the games. Once you burn the downloaded image to a DVD, you have a portable arcade that will run on any x86 system with 512MB or more of RAM. A 3-D accelerated video card is also required for most of the games. Proprietary drivers for Nvidia and ATI-based video cards are included, so you can enable acceleration for those types of cards by simply answering a few dialogs during the boot process.
Games included here are Boswars, Nexuiz, Bzflag, Sauerbraten, Savage, Treeworlds, Thunder & Lightning, Tremulous, Vegastrike, Warsow, Openarena, World of Padman and Warzone 2100. All of the games in this collection are top-notch open source treasures that should prove fun for even the casual gamer.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no shortage of games on the Linux platform. While the LinuX-Gamers compilation includes some real gems, there's no way all of the noteworthy games in the Linux library could fit on one DVD. For that reason, I hope that compilations of Linux games on live DVDs becomes a trend that will continue, and additional volumes will be released with different game sets.
LinuX-Gamers is perfect for those who want to build a portable arcade or try out Linux games without repartitioning a hard drive. There isn't any desktop functionality here, but that's OK -- this is a gamer-specific distribution that isn't intended to help you get your work done.
Jeremy LaCroix is an IT technician who writes in his free time.
02 julio 2008
20 Ways to Attack Shyness
Can you remember wanting to ask someone out, but was too shy to do so? Here are 20 ways on how to overcome this shyness.Get off your computers and get practicing!
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24 junio 2008
Got it back again
I did it! After many months without being able to write something decent, I finally composed a new song. For now I am going to call it "Away from me" and it's inspired in last weekend experiences.
Once I have done everything I need to do with it I'll think about sharing it with the world.
I'm back!!!
Once I have done everything I need to do with it I'll think about sharing it with the world.
I'm back!!!
23 junio 2008
Goodbye beautifull eyes
The time has come and I must finally sleep. It's time for me to turn away and dream, because the only way I'll ever be with you it's if my dreams would come true.
I have now to sleep, it's the only thing that can be done for me.
Oh beautiful eyes don't leave, please stay forever with me... be the light guiding my path and warming my heart.
Oh Glory and Time! Why can't you come back? Please let me tell her that my heart wants to call her 'my love' and let me kiss those lips of gold.
1 beat, 2 beats, 3 beats... no more beats.
I have now to sleep, it's the only thing that can be done for me.
Oh beautiful eyes don't leave, please stay forever with me... be the light guiding my path and warming my heart.
Oh Glory and Time! Why can't you come back? Please let me tell her that my heart wants to call her 'my love' and let me kiss those lips of gold.
1 beat, 2 beats, 3 beats... no more beats.
23 marzo 2008
Falling in love... again
It's been a long time since I felt this way, and suddenly from one day to the other I found myself falling in love. This person is so great and beautiful inside that quickly caught my attention... but for what is more, she got my heart's attention.
She is really a great person and a wonderful friend, I just wish my feelings could go away.
My loneliness makes me weaker and my feelings grow so strong that I can barely contain myself.
Tonight I saw a single star shinning and I wished to make my love real... it is my greatest desire and my only true wish.
I got to move on, I know... but again I am turning into an undead.
No feelings, no wishes, no peace, no happiness... no love... not for me.
Trying to RIP,
She is really a great person and a wonderful friend, I just wish my feelings could go away.
My loneliness makes me weaker and my feelings grow so strong that I can barely contain myself.
Tonight I saw a single star shinning and I wished to make my love real... it is my greatest desire and my only true wish.
I got to move on, I know... but again I am turning into an undead.
No feelings, no wishes, no peace, no happiness... no love... not for me.
Trying to RIP,
02 marzo 2008
Aragorn´s story by Ainu Laire
Aragorn is one of the few Tolkien characters to be actually granted a date of birth and not just a year. He was born on March 1st, 2931 of the Third Age to Arathorn and Gilraen. At two years old, his father was slain by an orc-arrow that pierced his eye and he died at the age of sixty. Gilraen took her child to Rivendell, and Elrond took the place of his father and loved him as if he were his own. In this house his lineage was kept secret from him, and he was called Estel, which means 'hope' in the Elven tongue.
At the age of 20, Aragorn was told by Elrond of his true name and lineage, and he received the shards of Narsil and the Ring of Barahir. The Sceptre of Annuminas was withheld from him still, and not for many years would he earn it.
Just the next day, an hour after sunset, for the first time he set his eyes upon Arwen Undomiel, Elrond's daughter, and at that moment he fell in love with her. Soon, Elrond found this out, and he claimed to Aragorn that he would not bind to any woman until his destiny was fulfilled. As for Arwen, she was much too high of lineage for him.
Aragorn left the house of Elrond, and he starts a long life in the Wild. In the year of 2956 of the Third Age he meets Gandalf, and a long friendship begins. From 2957-2980 he went to both Rohan and Gondor and served under King Thengel and the steward Ecthelion II under the guise of Thorongil. After, he went alone far east and south, where he learned much of the hearts of Men and the plots of Sauron's servants.
At 49 years of age, he returned from the dark confines of Mordor and yearned to go back to Rivendell. But first, he went to Lorien, where he was permitted to enter by the grace of Lady Galadriel. Here, he met Arwen once more, and she returned his love. Aragorn gave her the Ring of Barahir, and they pledged to one another their love on the hill of Cerin Amroth.
He returned once more to Rivendell, and a shadow now lay upon him and Elrond. Elrond feared for Arwen, and told him that she would not marry anyone lesser than the King of Gondor and Arnor. And they spoke no more of it.
A few years later, Gilraen departed the House of Elrond and stayed with her own people. She and her son saw each other seldom; but before she died, he paid her one last visit. She knew she was to die, yet he asked for her to look beyond the darkness, to the light. And then she said:
"Omen i-Estel Edain, u-chebin estel anim."
"I gave Hope to the Dunedain, I have kept no hope for myself."
She died before the next spring, in the year of 3007.
In the year of 3001, Gandalf came to the suspect that the ring that Bilbo carried was indeed the One Ring. The guard on the Shire is doubled at this time, and Gandalf calls for the help of Aragorn to look for news in the creature Gollum, who once bore the Ring. Nothing is found of him for many years, and in 3009 Gandalf and Aragorn renew their hunt for Gollum, and for the next eight years, they search the vales of the Anduin, Mirkwood, and Rhovanion to the confines of Mordor. Finally, Aragorn finds him in the Dead Marshes, and for 50 days they travel up to Mirkwood, to Thranduil's halls. Here, Gollum is kept prisoner and Aragorn makes his way back to Eriador
Thus, in the year 3018, in September, he meets the hobbits in Bree, and takes them to Rivendell. On the 25th of October the Council of Elrond takes place, and on December 25th the Fellowship sets out, and the Quest begins.
Exactly three months past (in Shire Reckoning), and at the age of 88 Aragorn claims the throne. He is crowned king of Gondor and Arnor on May 1st, earns himself the Sceptre of Annuminas, and marries Arwen Undomiel on Mid-year's Day.
During his reign he rebuilt much of what was lost, and brought back the glory days of old to his kingdom. He permitted no Men to enter the Shire, and declares it a free land. The Thain, the Master, and the Mayor (Pippin, Merry, and Sam, respectfully) he makes 'Counsellors of the North-kingdom'. In year 14 of the Fourth Age he travels up to Lake Evendim, and then comes to the Brandywine Bridge to greet his friends. Here, he gives the Star of the Dunedain to Sam, and Elanor is made a maid of honour to Queen Arwen. The Westmarch, from the Far Downs to the Tower Hills, was added to the Shire as a gift from King Elessar.
On March 1st, 120 FA, King Elessar at last surrendered his crown to his son, Eldarion, and at the ripe age of 210 he passed away. Arwen bids her son, her daughters, and all those dear to her farewell soon after, and goes to Lorien, which is deserted. Here she lays her body to rest and dies on Cerin Amroth, where once long ago she pledged her love to Aragorn.
And thus ends his glorious life.
'All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.'
Great article taken from TheOneRing.net
posted by ringer board member and artist, Ainu Laire.
15 febrero 2008
New blog by me
Just a couple of days ago I started a new blog to share one of my biggest interests... MOVIES. Check it out for more info and contact me if you have any doubt.
See ya..
Just a couple of days ago I started a new blog to share one of my biggest interests... MOVIES. Check it out for more info and contact me if you have any doubt.
See ya..
05 febrero 2008
Reasons why GMAIL is better than others
1. The Interface and colors : It's simple and looks good. Does not hurt your vision.
2. Labels instead of Folders : you choose whether you'll archive the mail or leave it together with all the others in your inbox.
3. Keyboard shortcuts : the good use of shortcuts will ensure that you navigate faster and without problems.
4. POP and SMTP access : The only top email service which provides both POP and SMTP features and that too with secure connection.
5. Support for other accounts : GMail, allows you to display that you�ve sent an email from a completely different email address, however all the time you use GMail only. I maintain 5 different email accounts from one GMail account! Now, that productive!
6. Integration of Google Talk : GMail allows to chat with friends from within, even if you don't have Google Talk installed.
7. No obtrusive or banner ads : GMail makes use of adsense and that too they are on the extreme right hand side and really don't bother much but if you see other email services you'll see Banner ads, flash based ads which take time to load and are always distracting.
8. Integration with Google Docs (Office) : You can easily open Text Documents, Spreadsheets and presentations with GMail. Doesn't matter if you don't have office installed.
9. Spam less inbox : GMail has got the best spam filter amongst all the email services and everyone will agree on that. You'll find hardly any spam email in your Inbox.
10. UNDO Feature : in case you get to do something stupid and delete an important email, contact, etc... then you can simply go and press the UNDO button and it shows you the item back in place!
11. Storage capacity: right now at 6.5GB
12. Mobile access: you can download a GMAIL application for your mobile phone.
13. Bigger attachments
14. Message filters
15. Custom "FROM" field
... and a lot more!
Original article:
12 enero 2008
I have a wonderfull friend and I love her!
It's very early in the morning and I am still not asleep... but just a few minutes ago I was thinking of a very good friend of mine who always makes me feel better just by talking to me. The mere thought of her changes my mood and talking to her makes me remember that there are still people out there who cares about me.
Even though we don't maintain daily contact and we are separated by a great sea, we still remain friends after a long time. Each of us has shaped his/her life differently but we remain true to each other.
This is for you my very good dear long time friend... remember that you have a very special place in my heart and nothing is going to change that. :D
A toast for the true friends who remain no matters what!
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