12 diciembre 2007

OpenSource Stickers

Opensource stickers for your PC « INFOLINUX: "The Free Software Sticker Book got it's own web. In it we'll find a great collection of stickers of the most important FREE SOFTWARE projects. They come in a ready to print format to print them in sticker paper so you can put them in your PC!!"

01 diciembre 2007

Cool new feature for mobile Google Maps!

Google Maps for Mobile Shows Your Location
from Google Operating System by Ionut Alex Chitu

The latest version of Google Maps for mobile phones has a new feature called "my location". Instead of having to enter your location, Google Maps is able to find it. If your phone has GPS support the location detection should be very good, but even if there's no GPS, Google Maps can approximate your location. "The My Location feature takes information broadcast from mobile towers near you to approximate your current location on the map - it's not GPS, but it comes pretty close (approximately 1000m close, on average)." To find your location on the map, just press 0 and look for a blue dot.

Google says that this feature should work on most "Java, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Nokia/Symbian devices", but it doesn't work in Sony Ericsson K750i, so this claim is questionable.

To get the new version (2.0), go to http://google.com/gmm on your mobile device. It's still in beta, so don't expect it to be flawless.

Cool new feature for mobile Google Maps!

21 octubre 2007

In my time of need

I can't see the meaning of this life I'm leading
I try to forget you as you forgot me
This time there is nothing left for you to take, this
is goodbye
Summer is miles and miles away
And no one would ask me to stay
And I should contemplate this change
To ease the pain
And I should step out of the rain
turn away
Close to ending it all, I am drifting through the
Of the rapture born within this loss
Thoughts of death inside, tear me apart from the core
of my soul
At times the dark's fading slowly
But it never sustains
Would someone watch over me
In my time of need

20 octubre 2007

Just releasing the feelings

I miss passed times when I was happy even if I was troubled.
I miss times of my life when I could smile.
I miss the friends who stood by my side for so much time and with whom I could share.
I miss feeling in love and with strength to live.
I miss visiting incredible places or common one which made me happy.
I miss listening and to be listened.
I miss feeling special.
I miss fighting for what I believe.
I miss being able to express in ways could only be understood by those who really knew me.
I miss having companions even when I was seeking loneliness.
I miss being able to look for someone when I didn't know what else to think.
I miss so many people and always having someone in whom I could trust.
I miss the life and what I could love from it.


Life is hard for everybody in different ways. There is pain we can't express and sadness we must bear for too much time. For some it is easier to face their problems and make the right choices... for others it is too hard to find the way.
Some days it is harder to keep going, specially when you remember all you have lived and when you've left behind so many friends, places and things you love. Sometimes you wish to go back and live again those days when you found happiness or when you simply smiled.
Some may say "stop bitching and do something about it" (I myself have said it), but it is not so simple... simply because life isn't simple.
Bless the ignorant and stupid people, who can live without thinking or caring.

Definitely ignorance is bless.


The same guy.

22 septiembre 2007

Free Software you must have/use!!!

So... I am back again and haven't told you a lot of things because when I am not busy, I am lazy! :)
Anyway, just wanted to add a post of free cool program options many of you might already now but that some others don't. I strongly encourage the usage of this applications as they are totally free and have been developed by very talented hard working persons.

Open Office (free alternative to MS Office) - http://www.openoffice.org/index.html

Mozilla Firefox (great and free alternative to IE explorer) - http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/

Mozilla Thunderbird (free e-mail client to complete the Open Office package) - http://www.mozilla.com/thunderbird/

Mozilla Lightning (free calendar to include in Thunderbird) - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/2313

Winamp (free media player especially for music) - http://www.winamp.com/

VideoLan/VLC (free media player especially used for video) - http://www.videolan.org/

Bitcomet (free torrent client to download torrents ) - http://www.bitcomet.com/

Google Desktop (powerful free application to search within your computer and add gadgets) - http://desktop.google.com/

Picasa (free photo application to arrange/edit pictures and create/share albums) - http://picasa.google.com/

Google Talk (free chat and calling application) - http://www.google.com/talk/

PSI (powerfull and free messaging application to chat with your contacts from different services http://psi-im.org/

That's it for now. Any questions feel free to comment or send me a e-mail.


03 agosto 2007

Found a very dear old friend

I am so excited!
Today I was looking once again for that special friend to whom I lost contact several years ago. I was pretty much giving up because it's been almost a year since I started looking for her.... but finally I FOUND HER!!
You can't imagine how happy I am and how blessed I feel for this achievement. This is by far the most exciting thing that's happened to me in this past months.

I know I still have to catch up and input about the other things I've done in this past months... but this time I feel I have the strength to do so.

I want to dedicate this post to friendship and love, because they are the only true things that matters in this world.

Sincerely yours,


08 junio 2007

At a concert

It's been a while since my last concert (which is the one for this picture) and I haven't really have the time to seat to write about it... so hold on... I hope to do it soon enough.

The picture is just a preview.


Posted by Picasa

28 abril 2007

NIN Concert

So... I went to a Nine Inch Nails concert some weeks ago with a friend who was on vacations.

At first I wasn't much excited about the idea but since my friend is a huge fan of them and it was probably one in a life time opportunity for him to see them, I acceded to go with him.

The place where the concert took place was very cool and actually was bigger than other concert places I've been. Another thing which made it bigger was the fact that was the second concert on the same city and it was not as crowded as the first one.

While hanging around I asked to someone if she knew who were going to open the show (I was hopping to take something good from the concert), and for my big surprise I was told that a Pakistani band were in charged of opening the show.

So... they started playing and I already wanted to leave. What a shitty band! Really, it is not because they are from a weird country to me or because their looks (all of that was OK). It was the music... they played some kind of stupid, bastard, retarded punk who really got into my nerves. All of them seem pretty stoned and besides that, there wasn't anything else interesting about them.

Finally they finished and half an hour later NIN started playing.
The show was actually very good! The combination of lights, the sound and the on stage interpretation were great.
As you may understand for what I've written, I am no NIN fan... but I actually enjoyed many of the songs and ended the show jumping with my friend (who by the way was so fucking amazed, bedazzled, excited, etc).

The only song I knew entirely was "Closer" and maybe because of it... the one I enjoyed the most.

Have to say that they were worthy of my time and money, because even though I might never become a NIN fan... I will certainly enjoy some of their music.

26 abril 2007

Dissapeared for a long time...

Hello, hello, hello...

As always I dissapeared for a long time. My last post was back in December 2006!!! Can you imagine??? Of course you can... it is normal in my life.

Well, since my last post a lot of things happened... some interesting and some not. I've been to a few concerts and travel to other places. I have also pass through rough times and have made some new "friends".

Anyway, I will talk about each thing in a separate post so I can cover each topic completely... this post is only to remind me that I have a lot of post pending.

